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We have meticulously selected 5 mushrooms for their unique health-promoting and medicinal properties: Lions Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps, Reishi, & Turkey Tale. 

Lions Mane mushrooms are very nutritious and rich in vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. In addition, they are excellent sources of essential minerals such as manganese, zinc, and potassium. These mushrooms contain high amounts of a specific type of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides that have many critical biological functions including antioxidative and antitumor activities. They also exhibit immune-stimulating functions which help lower the inflammatory fallout from health conditions such as heart disease and autoimmune disorders such as arthritis. Studies have found that lion’s mane mushrooms are an excellent source of hericenones and erinacines, two chemicals that accelerate the growth of brain cells, which can be used to help overcome dementia. One study found that when older adults who had cognitive impairments ate 3 grams of lion’s mane mushroom every day for four months, it led to considerably enhanced mental functioning. When the patents stopped the lions mane regiment, their functioning reduced. – Medically Reviewed Article, “What Are the Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms?”

Chaga mushrooms are another very nutritious and rich source of antioxidants and several beneficial plant compounds such as: triterpenoids, melanins, polysaccharides, polyphenols, and flavans. Antioxidants are chemicals that help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals or oxidants. Damage from oxidative stress can contribute to the development of many health conditions, including cancer. In addition, these mushrooms contain many antioxidants and compounds that may reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is also known as the bad cholesterol, and in turn can help fight heart diseases caused by high cholesterol. – Medically Reviewed Article, “What Are Chaga Mushrooms?

Cordycep mushrooms come from a large family of fungi, over 400 species of Cordyceps are known. Two have become the focus of health research: Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris. These two species are thought to increase the body’s production of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for delivering energy to the muscles. This may improve the way your body uses oxygen, especially when exercising and physical activity. These mushrooms are also high in antioxidants which are molecules that fight cell damage by neutralizing free radicals, which can otherwise contribute to disease and aging. One of the biggest promises from these fungi are the anti-tumor effects they have. In test-tube studies, Cordyceps have been shown to inhibit the growth of many types of human cancer cells, including lung, colon, skin, and liver cancers. These fungi may also reverse the side effects associated with many forms of cancer therapy. One of these side effects is leukopenia, which is a condition in which the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) decreases, lowering the body’s defenses and increasing the risk of infection. – Medical Article by Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD; “6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science”

Reishi mushrooms, which are also known as lingzhi, are among several medicinal mushrooms that have been used for hundreds of years for treatment of infections. Reishi mushrooms help to enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep, and lessen fatigue. Some of the most common health conditions that reishi mushrooms can help with: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, liver/kidney disease, respiratory disease, viral infections, cancer and support during chemotherapy treatments.  – Medically Reviewed Article, “Reishi Mushroom”

Turkey Tail mushrooms, which are also known as Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor, are known to have immune boosting properties that support a multitude of ailments, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and help maintain a healthy gut. Turkey tail mushrooms contain compounds called polysaccharopeptide (PSP) and polysaccharide-K (PSK), which appear to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. These compounds may also have the ability to stimulate the immune system, especially when combined with other anticancer treatments. Researchers in Japan have been able to isolate the compounds and have been approved by the National Cancer Institute as an adjuvant cancer treatment. – Medically Reviewed Article, “Do turkey tail mushrooms benefit health”

Our capsules are 100% vegan with no fillers or artificial ingredients. All ingredients are 100% organic and natural. Before incorporating mushroom supplements into your routine, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional. While mushrooms may offer potential health benefits, individual responses can vary. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions, interactions with medications, or other unforeseen side effects. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Pregnant or nursing individuals, those with pre-existing medical conditions, and individuals taking prescription medications should seek guidance from their healthcare provider before using mushroom supplements.

Our capsules are 100% made in the USA. Every step of the manufacturing process is meticulously managed within our facilities, allowing us to maintain stringent quality control measures. From the sourcing of raw materials to the final packaging, our dedicated team oversees each phase of production. This hands-on approach not only ensures the highest standards of craftsmanship but also enables us to respond promptly to evolving customer needs. When you choose Stem Social products, you are choosing more than just a commodity – you are choosing the result of a meticulous and caring production process that begins and ends under our own roof.

We appreciate your purchase of our mushroom supplements. To maintain product quality and adhere to safety standards, we have implemented a strict no return policy. Please carefully review the following details:

  • No Returns or Refunds:

We do not accept returns or provide refunds for our mushroom supplements once the purchase is completed, this policy is in place to ensure the integrity of our products and to comply with all health and safety regulations. 

  • Quality Assurance:

Our commitment to delivering high-quality supplements means that once a product leaves our facility, we cannot guarantee its safety and efficacy if it is returned. This policy helps us maintain the highest standards in the interest of our customer’s well-being.

  • Damaged or Incorrect Items:

In the event that you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our customer service immediately. We will address the issue and provide an appropriate resolution, such as replacement or refund.

  • Contact Information:

For any concerns or inquiries, please reach out to our customer service team at Stemsocial@stemsocial.CO We are here to assist you with any issues related to your order. Please allow 24-48 hours for a timely response.


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